How to remote monitor your CCTV camera from the Internet?

Digital Video Recorder (DVR) Setup
How to remote monitor your CCTV camera from the Internet?

This procedure is basically a general procedure on how to view or monitor your CCTV camera from the Internet. I am pretty sure that all CCTV vendors/technicians are using the same steps that I will be mentioning below. It’s just a matter of brands of the devices like the router, dvr, cameras etc.
Note: You should already have knowledge to basic networking so that you can easily manage the below steps. This applies only to some small household that has Internet connection from home and no firewall.


Computer – either laptop or desktop
Router – connect two networks
DVR – Digital Video Recorder
Modem – Wired Internet
UTP cable – Cat5e Cable
RJ-45 – Connector


From the computer:
Click Start button
Click Run
Type cmd.exe and press ok
Type ipconfig/all
Get the following IP addresses
Default Gateway
DNS Server
From the DVR:
R-click your mouse and click Menu
Select Network
Modify the following IP address using the above values that got from “From the computer” procedure.
Primary DNS

From the computer again:

Open your web browser like Internet Explorer
Encode the IP address of your router, for e.g.
Login to your router using administrator username and password
Look for the Virtual Server or Port Forwarding tab
Make a rule from the Port Forwarding tab like below
IP Address: IP address of your DVR
Name: CCTV Monitoring
Port: 80
End: 80
Click Apply and then Save.
Open another browser.

Take note of your own Public IP Address


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